Friday, September 28, 2012 S?: Home, James

I woke up this morning, from another terrifying nightmare, of course - this one didn't have the monkeys, but was actually more disturbing - and realized that this is the iPhone of blogs.  Not in the way that it's super functional, has revolutionized communication or has managed to stay somewhat hip despite being so mainstream, but in that I have numbered these days incorrectly.  Yeah, a guy who's job is largely about media management can't count.  Great, right?  But don't worry, you guys!  I can explain it all now...

Much like the new iPhone 5 should really be the iPhone 6 due to them skipping a number (why come there ain't no iPhone 2?) and then substituting two numbers with "S" for some reason, "DAY THREE: Home, James" is technically "DAY TWO: Home, James," but DAY THREE of me being in Tulsa.  DAY ONE, as marked, really should have been "DAY -1: Home, James," but because of a few too many blows to the head over the course of my life, I didn't think about that at the time.  It's okay.  I totally understand if you turn off your computer right now to go spend a week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers clearing your head.  Anyway...

Call time was 4:30am today...for Super Su.  I got to stay in bed.  This is mainly because, while sunrises look nice, they sound terrible.  Which is my radically novel way of saying it was MOS b-roll, so they didn't need me.  Pfft!  However, it did give me time to ponder why the track naming function on the 788T recorder doesn't seem to be working.  After extensive internet searches for trouble shooting this problem I still came up with nothing.  All I can figure is that it is a problem with the firmware update.  Couldn't possibly be me!  I'm going to run some more tests before this evening's call time (we're making a talkie!) to try and sort it out, but ultimately it's not that big of a deal.  I was only naming the tracks (ie: "James" "Cooper" vs "track 1" "track 2"...) as a nicety for the editor, but it's not worth going mental over.  Although, I do tend to get a certain amount of target fixation when it comes to things I've done a hundred times, but can't get to work suddenly.  Maybe if I yell at the machine louder it will start listening to me.

Here's a better picture of Super Su and our AC, Kali Laird, in the world's most dope camera car...which is also a total deathtrap, as I'm sure you can tell.  Um, let's maybe check the air in those tires, huh?

On a positive note (I'm well known for being positive), the spiders seem to have moved on from the yard, but this guy is back:

His name is Sodapop.  Not sure where Ponyboy and Darry are.

BTdubs, how the hell did never know this existed?

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